Maybe the best family of pigeons for middle to long distance racing in the world today.These pigeons really improved our result substancially.They originate from the lofts of Fred vd Heede,Jules Manneart and De Rauw /Frans Sablon.From there they flowed over to the loft of Aelbrecht.
What is unique of this family, is that they blended together wonderfully to form a winning team that can fly headwinds,tail winds and are unbeatable on the long hard races.The family houses some big names of which the 4 best ones are surely the “Limoges”,his brother “the 548″,”The Marsaille” and “Freddy”.The most National winners and Ace pigeons comes from this foundation.We are of the opinion that the line of the world famous “Limoges“is the best.Was he not also the favourite pigeon of the owners?
There are many brilliant pigeons appearing in the pedigrees and you will find then decending from the foundation of “Albert’ and “Paola” AND the pigeons mentioned above.
They cross exceptionally with the Lou Wouter pigeons and is today my No 1 choice to have in my loft.