There are many fanciers in the world that believe it is not necessary to inoculate pigeons against certain viruses and diseases. The ailments I am referring to is Paramyxo virus, Pox virus and the bacteria group Paratyphoid and Salmonella. I am a firm believer that you must inoculate your pigeons. It is also compulsory to the Department of Agriculture that pigeons must be inoculated against Paramyxo and Pox virus. Clubs can refuse to accept your pigeons if they are not properly inoculated. Let us have a look at the different inoculations and when it is a good time to administer it.
If you are of the opinion that Paratyphoid/Salmonella is present in your loft then you will have to treat your pigeons first against the ailment. Use Baytril or Altabactine for 10 days. follow up with 2 days Probiotics and then inoculate them 5 days later after we gave time for the antibiotic to withdraw. A follow up inoculation must be done 4 weeks later.
This whole process will take two months and will end towards the end of April and can the pigeons then begin with the training program.