I hope that the article that was placed last month concerning overpopulation and the selection of your better youngsters had the necessary response. If you, by now, still think that the selection of your youngsters in not necessary, you will as in the past, face a difficult season.
Overpopulation equals big financial expenses towards medicine. I know of many fanciers that believe the basket is the only way of selecting your pigeons and this statement is very very true. But we should be more intelligent than making such statements. My question is: – How can the basket be the final judge on quality if you did not give them the change to enjoy an under populated, stress less and healthy environment during the moulting season. Thus giving them the opportunity to reach top condition so that the basket can do your selection properly. The basket can not select the best from an overpopulated, unhealthy loft. Pigeons do not like numbers as they originate from the mountain pigeon where they lived in open air conditions. For those of you that is going to pay some attention to your over population, I would like to congratulate with your progress in the pigeon sport. Good results will be your reward.
Now let us have a look at what is necessary to feed these under populated lofts of yours and mine in order to coat these pigeons with good feathers.
Firstly, you must always bare in mind that you must not allow your pigeons to get fat in the off-season. Therefore over feeding must be strictly controlled. A fat pigeon can not fly in front due to the fact that he carries excessive weight causing stress on his heart and lungs. Also remember that the heart and lungs are now also covered with fat deposits. It is not easy to reduce the weight of pigeons before the race season, therefore you will be racing over weight athletes during the sprints and will not win a bouquet of flowers.
Let’s have a look at our feeding and supplementation during the moulting seasons.